The Beverly Hills Freedom Rally has fought fascism in California. We are a group of believers that believe that GOD is our ultimate leader and his law is supreme. We stopped the so-called vax (not a vaccine) passports in several cities and pressured leaders to stop pushing the masks & show your papers mandates. We are still in the process of pushing against mandates in public spaces like public pools and federal buildings. We also educate the public by handing out brochures (business outreach & draconian bills these tyrants are trying to push in Sacramento), making informative videos, doing Instagram lives to educate the public, and interviewing the public with difficult questions that most likely they've never heard the other side of. We've done rallies and events to build our grassroots community. We invite anyone from any political background to join us. We don't have to agree on everything but we all agree that we have God given inalienable rights!
If you like to send a gift to Shiva you can send either her Venmo @Shiva-Bagheri-1 or Zelle 310-961-7737.
Join the BHFR family, and make sure you invite everyone to sign up & participate